Hui Feng


Dr. Hui Feng


Research Scientist III


OPAL, University of New Hampshire
151 Morse Hall
8 College Road
Durham, NH 03824
(603) 862-3960; FAX (603) 862-0243



B.S. (Radio Physics), East China Normal University, 1983
M.S. (Earth Science/Oceanography), University of New Hampshire, 1996
Ph.D. (Earth Science/Oceanography), University of New Hampshire, 2004

Professional Experience:

05/2006-present - Research Scientist, Ocean Process Analysis Laboratory, UNH
11/2002-04/2006 - Research Associate, NASA Goddard Earth Sciences/Technology Center (GEST) investigator, Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Hampton University,VA
03/2000-11/2002 - Software Engineer, Aprisma Management Technology, Portsmouth,NH
09/1993-03/2000 - Graduate Research Assistant, Ocean Process Analysis Lab., UNH
09/1983-09/1993 - Research assistant/associate, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China

Selected Publications:

Feng, H.,J. Campbell, M. Dowell, and T. Moore, Modeling spectral reflectance of optically complex waters using bio-optical measurements from Tokyo Bay, Remote Sensing of Environment, 99, 232. 2005.

Feng, H., D. Vandemark, Y. Quilfen, B. Chapron, and B. Beckley, Assessment of wind forcing impact on a global wind-wave model using the TOPEX altimeter,Ocean Engineering, 33, 1431-1161, 2006.

Feng, H., D. Vandemark, J. Campbell, and B. Holben, Assessment of satellite ocean color products near Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory (MVCO) in the northeast coast, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(15), 4479-4497, 2008.

Zibordi, G., B. Holben, I. Slutsker, D. Giles, D. DAlimonte, F. Melin, J.-P.Berthon, D. Vandemark, H. Feng, , G. Schuster, K. Rutledge, S. Kaitala, and J. Seppala, AERONET-OC: a network for the validation of ocean color primary radiometric products, J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 1634-1651, 2009.

Feng H., S. Yao, L. Li, N. Tran, D. Vandemark and S. Labroue, Spline-based nonparametric estimation of the altimeter sea state bias correction, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 3 577-581, 2010.

Feng, H. and D. Vandemark, Altimeter data evaluation in the coastal Gulf of Maine and Mid-Atlantic Bight regions, Marine Geodesy (Special issue on OSTM/Jason2), 34(3-4),340-363, 2011.

Professional Affiliations & Memberships:

American Geophysical Union (AGU)